Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of Ecology and Botany Department, Dean of the Faculty of Agrotechnology and Nature Management of Sumy National Agrarian University.
Direction of scientific research:
- "Monitoring of biodiversity, condition and dynamics of plant populations in ecosystems of the North-East of Ukraine as components of vegetation stability" (state registration number 0110U007592);
- "Status and dynamics of phytopopulations in ecosystems of the North-East of Ukraine under conditions of different degree and nature of anthropogenic impact" (state registration number: 0115U007150).
Supervisor of the interdisciplinary project on "Biological and ecological features of growing Ginkgo Biloba L. as an organic raw material for pharmaceutical purposes by creating plantations in the North-Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine" (2017/2020).
Supervisor on "Improving laboratory practice skills in specialists of the agri-food sector of Eastern Europe / Ag-Lab 586383-EPP-1-2017-SI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP ERASMUS + KA2" (2017/2020).
Teaching and research experience is 20 years and more than 100 publications.
Email: kovalenko_977@ukr.net
Researcher ID: V-1532-2018