Educational course

The EUCLead project provides the following courses:

for bachelors – Basic course “Introduction to EU climate policy” – 60 hours (2 ECTS);
for masters / post-graduate students – Advanced course “European Climate Leadership” – 120 hours (4 ECTS);
for teachers / municioal officials / civil society activists – Short-term course “EU Environmental Security in the Context of Global Climate Change” – 30 hours (1 ECTS)
for the general public – On-line distance course EUCLead – 30 hours (2 ECTS)

Thematic areas of training courses:

EU environmental legislation and international cooperation on climate change prevention and adaptation.
EU energy policy and climate aspects.
EU approaches to climate change mitigation.
EU climate education as a basis for the development of social responsibility.
Implementation of EU environmental policy for Ukraine.