OLGA BERESTOK is an expert / consultant / researcher / teacher in the project.
OLGA BERESTOK is a teacher of the English language, an assistant professor of the Department of Foreign Languages at Sumy National Agrarian University. The experience of pedagogical, teaching and research activity is 32 years.
The directions of scientific research during the professional activity at the Department of Foreign Languages of SNAU included: adult study in the system of unremitting education; use of ICT in distance education; motivation of students in the process of learning a foreign language in a non-linguistic higher educational institution; the linguistic dimension of the concept of security as a key component of the concept of a safe educational environment: European experience.
OLGA BERESTOK has about 50 publications on research topics, 22 educational and teaching-methodical aids. She is the author of about 10 training courses created for distance learning in the Moodle system.
OLGA BERESTOK has been teaching such disciplines as: "Foreign (English) language", "Foreign (English) language of professional communication", "Advanced foreign language", "English language (selective discipline)", "Business foreign (English) language".
In her pedagogical activities, OLGA BERESTOK uses research methods that contribute to the provision of conditions for the activation of educational and cognitive activities of students, the implementation of creative approach to solving problems and tasks, deep generalizations and systematization of material, profound elaboration of ideas, conclusions and new hypotheses.
Being a secretary of the Methodological Council of the Biological and Technological Faculty, OLGA BERESTOK keeps minutes of meetings and all documentation of the Methodological Council, ensures the delivery of the decisions of the Methodological Council to the structural units of the university.
A number of pedagogical studies on the subject of scientific research of the department, conducted by OLGA BERESTOK together with a team of scientists of the department at Sumy National Agrarian University in 2020-2021, provided with the basis for publications in scientific journals indexed in international scientific databases, including Web of Science, namely:
1. Measurement and Assessment of Virtual Internationalization Outcomes in Higher Agrarian Education. Postmodern Openings (2020) , 11(1 Supl 1), 78–92. https://doi.org/10.18662/po/11.1sup1/124/.
2. Multifaceted Problems of Intercultural Adaptation: A Case Study of Chinese Students in Ukraine. Brain. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience (2020), doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18662/brain/11.1/22.
3.Dual Nature of Students’ Knowledge Formation in the Pandemic Period: Pedagogical and Psychological Aspects. Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, (2021). 13(3), 246-261. https://doi.org/10.18662/rrem/13.3/450.
In 2022, OLGA BERESTOK took part in the work and prepared materials for presentation and publication in a number of International scientific and practical conferences on the topic of the project "Linguistic dimension of the concept of "security" as the main component of the concept of a safe educational space: European experience. / "The linguistic dimension of the notion "security" as the key component of the concept of a safe educational space: the European experience" (101094386 - EUSPACED - ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH), namely:
1. Teaching the European values in Higher educational establishments in Ukraine. International scientific and practical conference of the Academy of the State Penitentiary Service "Integration of theory into practice: problems, searches, prospects" (November 14, 2022, Chernihiv, Ukraine).
2. Ways of forming algorithmic response to language safety threats in conditions of increased risk. II International scientific and practical online conference of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" and Lusophone University (Portugal) "Corpus and Discourse" (November 29, 2022, Kyiv, Ukraine), 11.
3. Language security as a guarantee of preserving the spirituality of the nation in today's conditions. ІІІ International scientific and practical conference "Spiritual-intellectual education and training in the 21st century" Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after Skovoroda, Kyiv University named after Boris Hrinchenko, Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, Volyn National University named after Lesya Ukrainka, Ternopil University Regional Communal Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, World Scientific Noosphere-Ontology Society (USA), Changchun University of Architecture (China), Cardiff Metropolitan University (Great Britain) (November 17, 2022, Kharkiv, Ukraine).
OLGA BERESTOK is a member of the author's team for the development of educational and methodological resources provided for the project, in particular, materials for sociolinguistic seminars, conferences, round tables; preparation of publications: training manuals, lecture notes, collection of training programs, conference materials; conducting scientific linguistic and interdisciplinary research on the influence of the derivation of a person's primary adaptive need for security on his cognitive abilities and methods of correcting such influence; development and implementation of a special course for teachers “Winter Academy for university teachers: implementation of a safe educational space for foreign citizens based on the example of EU countries” and the accredited course “Concept of a safe educational environment” for international students of profile faculties of SNAU.
OLGA BERESTOK, together with Hanna TSYGANOK and Lyudmyla BAYDAK, participates in the preparation of the all-Ukrainian sociolinguistic seminar "The concept of "safety" in scientific and intercultural domestic and European discourses", which is aimed at the formation of a professional network community to discuss the current problems of organizing a safe educational environment, exchange experiences and scientific developments.
OLGA BERESTOK is responsible for maintaining the EUSPACED information channel in Telegram and the project page on the SNAU official website and the Facebook web page for sharing information on the implementation of the tasks of each stage of the project, as well as content directed at introducing the widest possible range of listeners with materials related to the promotion of security culture in the field of European integration / European areas of security in the educational environment, as well as stimulating enhancement in European security education and research.