1. Shevchenko T., Saidani M., Ranjbari M., Kronenberg J., Danko Yu., Laitala K. 2022. Mapping the consumer behaviour contribution to the circular economy transition: a conceptual consumer-centric framework. Journal of Cleaner Production, Special Issue «Who will benefit from the transition to the Circular Economy?», Volume 384, 15 January 2023, 135568 Elsevier. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0959652622051423
2. Shevchenko T., Yannou B., Michael S., François C., Ranjbari M., Esfandabadi Z., Danko Y., Leroy Y. 2022. Product-level circularity metrics based on the “Closing–Slowing Future–Past” quadrant model. Sustainable Production and Consumption, Elsevier. Volume 34, 395-411.
3. Shevchenko T., Kronenberg J., Danko Y., Chovancová J. 2021. Exploring the circularity potential towards the multiple use of residual material to operationalize a circular economy model. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, Springer Nature, 23, 2025–2036.
4. Shevchenko T., Danko Yu. 2022. Circular data framework throughout the whole value chain from mining to manufacturing, from refurbishing to recycling. Book “Role of Circular Economy in Resource Sustainability”, Vol. VII, Springer Nature, P 7-16.
5. Shevchenko T., Saidani M., Danko Y., Golysheva I., Chovancová J., Vavrek R. 2021. Towards a Smart E-Waste System Utilizing Supply Chain Participants and Interactive Online Maps. Recycling, MDPI, 6(1), 8. https://doi.org/10.3390/recycling6010008
6. Shevchenko, T.; Ranjbari, M.; Shams Esfandabadi, Z.; Danko, Y.; Bliumska-Danko, K. 2022 Promising Developments in Bio-Based Products as Alternatives to Conventional Plastics to Enable Circular Economy in Ukraine. Recycling, MDPI, 7, 20. https://doi.org/10.3390/recycling7020020
7. Shevchenko T., Danko Yu. 2021. Progress toward a circular economy: new metric for circularity measurement based on segmentation of resource cycle. International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, Inderscience Publisher, Vol 28, N2. 240-262.
8. Shevchenko T., Kronenberg J. 2020. Management of material and product circularity potential as an approach to operationalise circular economy. Progress in Industrial Ecology, An International Journal, Inderscience Publisher, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 30-57.
9. Shevchenko T., Vavrek R., Hubanova O., Danko Yu., Chovancova J., Mykhailova L. 2020. Clarifying a circularity phenomenon in a circular economy under the notion of “potential”. Problemy Ekorozwoju 16(1), P. 79-89. https://ekorozwoj.pollub.pl/index.php/number-1612021/clarifying-a-circularity-phenomenon-in-a-circular-economy-under-the-notion-of-potential/
10. Shevchenko T., Danko Yu. 2022. Circular economy related e-products consumption alternatives and behaviors. Collective monograph “Paradigm Shift in E-waste Management: Vision for Future”, Second Volume “Development in E-waste Management: Sustainability and Circular Economy Aspects”, Routledge Taylor & Francis. (In press)
11. Qu D., Shevchenko T. 2022. Education and Instruction for Circular Economy: A Review on Drivers and Barriers in Circular Economy Implementation in China. International Journal of Instruction. Vol. 15, No3, P. 1-22. https://www.eiji.net/dosyalar/iji_2022_3_1.pdf
12. Qu D., Shevchenko T., Saidani M., Xia Y., Ladyka Yu. 2021 Transition towards a circular economy: the role of university assets in the implementation of a new model. Detritus, 17, P 3-14. https://digital.detritusjournal.com/articles/transition-towards-a-circular-economy-the-role-of-university-assets-in-the-implementation-of-a-new-model/1440
13. Qu D., Shevchenko T. 2020. University Curriculum Education Activities Towards Circular Economy Implementation, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2020, Vol. 9, Issue 5, P. 200-206. http://www.ijstr.org/final-print/may2020/University-Curriculum-Education-Activities-Towards-Circular-Economy-Implementation.pdf
14. Ranjbari M., Esfandabadi Z., Shevchenko T., Scagnelli S, Lam S., Varjani S., Aghbashlo M., Pan J., Tabatabaei M. 2022. An inclusive trend study of techno-economic analysis of biofuel supply chains, Chemosphere, Volume 309, Part 2, 136755.
15. Ranjbari M., Esfandabadi Z., Shevchenko T., Chassagnon-Haned N., Peng W., Tabatabaei M., Aghbashlo M. 2022. Mapping healthcare waste management research towards a circular economy and sustainable environment: past evolution, current challenges, and future perspectives. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 422, 126724.
16. Han Y., Shevchenko T., Qu D. 2022. Smart e-waste management in China: a review. 2nd Congress on Intelligent Systems. CIS, Springer Book Series, “Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies”, September 04-05, 2021, pp 515–533.
17. Shuptar-Poryvaieva N., Gubanova E., Andryeyeva N., Shevchenko T., 2020. Examining of portable batteries externalities with focus on consumption and disposal phases, Ekonomia i Srodowisko, 4(75), P. 8-22. https://www.ekonomiaisrodowisko.pl/uploads/nr75.pdf
18. Chovancová J., Rovňák M., Shpintal M., Shevchenko T., Chovanec F. 2022. Perception of Benefits and Barriers Associated with the Management Systems Integration – A Comparative Study of Slovak and Ukrainian Organizations. TEM Journal, 11(2), 772-778.