We are pleased to announce that the Jean Monnet project team of the EU Climate Leadership Department of EUCLead is ready to resume training in the course on EU Environmental Security and Climate Policy for masters and postgraduate students. We hope that you are now in good health and safety and will be able to join our course.

The schedule can be found on the project website at the link. Classes will be held online through the Zoom platform at the same link. You can also join the class via the project website at the link by clicking “Join class”.

We understand all the circumstances that may hinder your timely and regular connection to classes: unstable Internet, hostilities, airstrikes, evacuations, etc., but we also ask you to be responsible for acquiring knowledge of climate leadership, because it will certainly be useful under time to rebuild our Free Ukrainian State!

Detailed information about the course: https://jm.snau.edu.ua/project1/navchalnij-kurs/

We are waiting for a meeting! Everything will be Ukraine!
