PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Accounting and Taxation department, Head of Research Coordination Office at SNAU

His research interests lie primarily in the fields of Critical Accounting, Social and Environmental Accounting, Sustainability Reporting, Corporate Social Responsibility, Globalization and national regulation of accounting and audit, Development and application of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and International Standards on Auditing (ISA). His research concentrated on companies from Central and Eastern Europe as well as the Chinese. His experience of teaching and researching work is more than 19 years and he has around 90 publications.

Oleh has healthy project experience in EU projects being a WP leader in one of Erasmus+ KA2 CBHE projects (TOPAS 585603-EPP-1-2017-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) and coordinator and contact person in another (INTERADIS 619451-EPP-1-2020-1-NL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP). He also participated in various Germany-funded DAAD projects. He has a certificate from the British Council which confirms his proficiency in English (IELTS Academic – 7.0 = CEFR C1; test report form # 21UA001679PASO001A).

Oleh Pasko serves in the project as a project manager; senior expert/advisor/researcher and researcher/teacher. Oleh Pasko conceived the project and is responsible for the design and overall structure of the project.
Since the mid-2000s he has been involved in three-dimensional reporting studies (economic, social and environmental indicators) (publication list attests it) and later on has begun to study accounting regulation in terms of its openness, wise-crowd regulation, regulation based on compromise as opposed to one that based on consensus.
Social and environmental accounting as well as sustainability reporting is studied through the lens of critical accounting at large. Critical accounting is questioning the particular power of any group to define what is appropriate. A central tenet of critical accounting research maintains the need to challenge and ultimately change existing social relations; moving towards a more emancipated and equitable social order.

Oleh is a lead teacher in the course ‘Social, environmental accounting and sustainability reporting’ foreseen by the project as well as research tread related to Social, environmental accounting and sustainability reporting within the project’s purview. Oleh will also together with licensed auditor Alvina Orekhova implement the module “Sustainability reporting and its assurance” intended more for a professional audience. And of course, together with the whole project team, he will be responsible for the successful implementation of the Winter School planned within the project.

Researcher’s Identifications: